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    HTH Construction Steering Group Minutes – 25 February 2021

    Hornsey Town Hall Construction Steering Group February 2020
    25 February 2021


    Beth Park (SEC Newgate UK) Chair (BP)
    Laura Griffiths (SEC Newgate UK) Secretary (LG)
    Mark Afford (Crouch End Conservation Area Advisory Committee) (MA)
    Amanda Carrara (Crouch End Festival) (AC)
    Cllr Luke Cawley-Harrison (Haringey Council) (LCH)
    Susan Cooper (Resident Representative) (SC)
    Chris Currer (Crouch End Festival) (CC)
    Tobias Finlayson (TF)
    Katy Ghahremani (Make Architects) (KG)
    Dean Hermitage (Haringey Council) (DH)
    Scott Lau (Far East Consortium) (SL)
    Cllr Tammy Palmer (Haringey Council) (TP)
    Joe Pitt (Ardmore Construction) (JP)
    Nick Poon (Far East Consortium) (NP)
    Angela Walsh (Far East Consortium) (AW)
    Liz Sich (Hornsey Town Hall Trust) (LS)


    Cllr Dawn Barnes (Haringey Council) (DB)
    Phil Briscoe (SEC Newgate UK) (PB)
    Graeme Jennings (Hornsey Town Hall Trust) (GJ)
    Benjamin Lesser (Hornsey Town Hall Trust) (BL)
    Andrew Major (The Time + Space Co.) (AM)
    Miranda Pattinson (Resident Representative) (MP)
    Piers Read (The Time + Space Co.) (PR)
    Kathy Smith (Weston and Haringey Park Residents’ Association) (KS)

    1 – Apologies

    1.1 Apologies were received from PB, BL, MP, GJ, PR, AM, KS, PR and DB.

    2 – Attendance and introductions

    2.1 BP did a roll call of attendees and introduced the meeting.

    3 – Approval of previous meeting minutes

    3.1 The minutes of the meeting on 25th November 2020 were approved by SC and seconded by

    4 – New applications to join the CSG

    4.1 BP explained that, following the Annual Review of the CSG in November, SEC Newgate had
    sought applications to join the CSG from more immediately neighbouring residents.

    4.2 BP noted that only one application had been received, from Paul Toyne, but that he noted
    he had received full endorsement from his neighbours on Weston Park Road. BP read out
    his application, which set out his experience in community engagement related to planning.

    4.3 BP suggested that, based on his application, he should be accepted into the CSG. A motion
    to approve the application to join the CSG from Mr Toyne was proposed by CC and
    seconded by LCH.

    5 – Update from Ardmore Construction

    5.1 JP presented slides showing the phasing of works to the Town Hall Square and stated
    questions would be taken afterwards.

    5.2 Phase 1 would involve electrical light columns being fixed, drainage being installed, the
    granite cladding and concrete footing for the benches being introduced, and turfing to the
    Green area.

    5.3 Phases 2 and 3 focuses on the areas adjacent to the Green and the hoarding returning to the
    Broadway. Work will take place on the Broadway Annex and paving work will likely be
    phased for access points.

    5.4 JP explained that in Phase 4, Ardmore will keep the access to Barclays open and that the
    works will include finishing the paving. He said that hoardings will be up where they are
    doing small pieces of work but that they will try to minimise disruption to residents as much
    as possible.

    5.5 JP explained that the timings for reopening of the Town Hall Square were subject to
    approval from Development Control at Haringey Council, which Ardmore is negotiating, as
    there is a condition in the current planning permission which ties the timing of the
    reopening to the reopening of other parts of the development.

    5.6 TF confirmed that there is such a planning condition related to the S106 agreement but that,
    knowing how important the Green is locally, they are working with the applicant to
    discharge it and bring access forward as soon as possible.

    5.7 AC asked if there was provision for a Christmas Tree pit on the Green. JP said that they had
    purposely allowed for there to be a connection for electricals and that events done
    historically could be performed again.

    5.8 AC asked about an estimated opening date for the Green, to which TF responded that this
    would be subject to approval from Development Control. JP said that, in terms of
    construction, Ardmore would like to get it ready as soon as possible but they need to
    comply with the planning conditions.

    5.9 AC asked a supplementary question about the Christmas Tree pit, noting that she had
    wanted to know whether an actual pit would be provided rather than electricals. KG said it is
    detailed in the ERs and contract documents which Ardmore have. KG confirmed to AC that it
    referred to “a sunken Christmas tree pit set below grass.”

    5.10 MA asked about the health of the horse chestnut tree on the Green and whether it will be
    replaced. JP referred to previous reports from 2017 and 2019 that raised concerns about
    the health of the tree but said the content of the most recent report from Phlorum has not
    yet been received.

    5.11 JP acknowledged that there was a local tree surgeon who had raised concerns about the
    tree and said that he would like to invite him to site, along with Phlorum, to do an inspection
    of the area together.

    5.12 MA asked whether the prospect of additional cycle stands could be revisited. KP
    responded that the number of cycle storage spaces is defined by planning and explained
    that they tried to relocate those near the library, but were driven by planning regulations
    regarding the visitor parking bays.

    5.13 BP returned to the discussion about the trees and said that it is something SEC Newgate
    have engaged with local residents and councillors on. If a tree did need to be felled, this
    would be communicated well in advance.

    5.14 TF added that the appropriate officer is aware of the state of the tree. BP advised that the
    team will coordinate on next steps when the report from Phlorum comes through.

    5.15 LS asked for more information on the fountain area at the top of the Town Hall Square. KG
    said Ardmore will be working with a specialist to restore the fountain.

    5.16 JP added that Ardmore would like to return the fountain to residents as soon as possible.
    LS followed up to ask if the opening of the fountain area will come later than the reopening
    of the Green. JP confirmed that it will be later as it is part of the Town Hall handover.

    5.17 AW asked if everybody was clear from the drawings as to which elements of the Town Hall
    Square will reopen in the Autumn. BP explained that when the next newsletter is published,
    the stages of the reopening will be set out clearly.

    5.18 LCH asked what PR plans there were for completion of the Town Hall Square. AW said that
    FEC are waiting for further details so that they can share the simplified plans with residents
    and include dates. There will be a newsletter, new CGIs are being produced and there will
    also be social media content.

    5.19 AW also explained the roll out of the Marketing Suite and temporary space that Time +
    Space will be using for the Arts Centre reception; AW said that the team is finalising the
    dates before putting the message out about this.

    5.20 LS asked whether an event would be held on the Green when it reopens. AW said that this
    was unlikely in Summer/Autumn.

    5.21 LCH asked whether any of the units around Pera Kitchen would be opened to coincide
    with the opening of the Town Hall Square. AW said the Pera Kitchen area and Marketing
    Suite planned opening was estimated to take place in May. AW explained that none of the
    other units would be open at that time because of building works requiring completion and
    health and safety matters relating to the building above and at the back.

    5.22 SC asked about the timing of the next newsletter, which BP said would be published in a
    couple of weeks.

    5.23 CC suggested that the slides presented on the Green should be publicised because they
    explain what is going on behind the hoardings.

    5.24 SC asked about the publicising of the works to the Town Square, as she said she still
    hadn’t received much information about it. BP said that the quarterly newsletter is due
    imminently. AW reassured that FEC do not wish to wait any longer to update people on the
    works but that they are currently working out what they are able to commit to in terms of
    dates. FEC recognise that people are most interested in this matter and they want to make
    sure the information they send out about it is accurate.

    5.25 BP raised a follow up question from SC, asking about the previously proposed viewing
    panel through the hoardings and possible artwork. JP responded that the viewing point will
    be going in when things get to the point of finishes over the next few weeks.

    6 – Update from Far East Consortium

    6.1 AW gave updates on completions, noting that the Uren and Ayres blocks will be handed
    over in November and February.

    6.2 LS asked what the public spaces will look like in the Town Hall and what the PR milestones
    are for this. AW responded that Time + Space will have further information available for the
    opening of the new Marketing Suite/Time + Space reception.

    6.3 LS then asked who was delivering the PR for this element of the project, which AW said was
    Time + Space at present. AW said it was up to Time + Space and FEC to decide who would
    support the running of the Community Use and Access Steering Group (CUASG), as they will
    be leading on this.

    6.4 LCH noted that, according to the Terms of Reference, the CUASG must be established 6
    months prior to the opening of the Town Hall. He suggested that the group be convened
    from this Spring/Summer to start the process, particularly as some members of the CSG are
    more interested in the community use elements.

    6.5 AW said that FEC will have to review the criteria for the CUASG and planning commitments.
    AW suggested that that Piers Read of Time + Space could do a presentation at a future
    meeting about the CUASG and how the membership will work and the remit of the group.

    6.6 LCH commented that convening the CUASG group might help with the information gap
    people seem to think there is in terms of broadcasting of information, as then the
    construction element can sit separate to it.

    6.7 BP raised the matter of the relocation of the benches that had previously been situated on
    the Town Hall Square, as discussed at the previous meeting. She noted that Ardmore were
    happy to let these go for use elsewhere in Crouch End and asked LCH to update the group
    on where conversations were at with the Council on this.

    6.8 LCH explained that he had been advised by officers that there would need to be a 6-month
    consultation process on the matter. However, after further discussion, they agreed that the
    consultation could probably be done in situ. He noted that suggestions are being requested
    for locations and that it was a work in progress.

    6.9 AC suggested Mermaid Square could be a potential site for the benches. LCH noted that
    repair works are being carried out in this area in the immediate term. AC replied that Crouch
    End Festival have a soft spot for this part of Crouch End and so would like to be involved.

    6.10 TF noted that the seats wouldn’t require planning permission because they fall within
    permitted development for installation. LCH responded that it was the Highways rather than
    Development Control team that they had to negotiate with on this matter.

    7 – Date of next meetings

    7.1 BP noted that the next meeting is due to take place in April 2021.

    8 – Any other business

    8.1 No other business was raised.

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    The Marketing Suite for Hornsey Town Hall is open Monday to Thursday 10am – 5pm and Saturday 10am – 4pm. Virtual viewings are also available. To arrange an appointment, please call Patrizia on 07972 000253.

    Hornsey Town Hall is a development by CROUCH END (FEC) LIMITED,
    FEC House, 40 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1JQ, England (a company incorporated in England and Wales with company number 10448866).
    Computer-generated images (CGIs) are indicative only and should not be relied upon as depicting the final as built development or apartment.